Motobike tour

Hue to Nha Trang

This trip offers a variety of landscapes- from hill tribe villages, mountain passes, UNESCO cultural sites, thick jungles and miles of coastline. This is YOUR trip to do at your own pace so you can really experience the beauty of the central highlands.

DAY 1: Hue to Aluoi to Prao
Leaving Hue we take highway 49 to the small town of Aluoi and then over the beautiful Ma Oi pass, where we stop for swim at the Mau waterfall and see the handicraft needlework of the Van Kieu ethnic minority.

After lunch in Aluoi we spend the whole afternoon on the legendary Ho Chi Minh Trail to the mountain town of Prao where we stop for dinner and the night.

DAY 2: Prao to Hoi An
After breakfast in Prao we make our way to Da Nang, stopping at the KaTu ethnic minority village and then on to China Beach and Marble Mountain just outside Da Nang. We arrive in Hoi An in plenty of time to shop and explore this beautiful and historic city.

DAY 3: Hoi An to Kham Duc
We travel from Hoi An to My Son, the ancient Champa Kingdom of the Cham people and a UNESCO World Heritage site. We stop at My Son where you are free to explore the ruins at your own pace. We then cross the river on a small local boat to the village of Thanh My and a break for lunch. After lunch we will stop at a beautiful waterfall before reaching the town of Kham Duc.

DAY 4: Kham Duc to Kon Tum
This day will take us along the Ho Chi Minh trail to waterfalls where we can stop for a refreshing swim and then over the Lo So pass with its stunning mountain views. On the way we stop at some hill tribe villages and historic war monuments. We reach the city of Kon Tum where there is a lot to see. There are two lovely churches (the “wooden church” and the Tan Huong church) established by French missionaries. Behind the wooden church be sure to check out the traditional “Rong house”. Rong houses are a type of tall thatched-roof community house built on stilts and are used for important local events, such as meetings, weddings, festivals and prayer sessions. The French missionaries also established two orphanages which are still in operation today. The children at the Vinh Son orphanage behind the Tan Huong church love to welcome visitors!

DAY 5: Kon Tum to Buon Ma Thuot
The road to Buon Ma Thuot will give you a chance to see huge plantations of rubber trees and coffee. Boun Ma Thout is famous for its coffee so be sure to stop for a cup or two at a sidewalk cafe and pick up a couple of bags to bring home with you.

DAY 6: Buon Ma Thuot to Lak Lake
Our first stop after leaving Buon Ma Thuot is the 500 meter Dray Sap waterfalls. We will reach Lak Lake in the afternoon where you will have the chance to visit the Mnong villages that surround the lake. In the evening the hotel offers traditional Mnong music performances.

Day 7: Lak Lake to Dalat
There is a lot to do before leaving Lak Lake. You have the choice of either riding an elephant or taking a boat across the lake to visit more hill tribe villages. The rest of the day will be spent travelling to Dalat, a former French hill station it stands at 1475 meters above sea level and is a breath of fresh air from the heat!

Day 8: Dalat to Nha Trang
You will have a chance to explore Dalat before heading out of the mountains to the popular seaside town of Nha Trang. Nha Trang is famous for its water activities, white sandy beaches, boat trips to beautiful dive spots, fresh seafood and party atmosphere.

* Prices for 2011 touring season (From January 1st to December 31st 2011) in United States Dollars

Tour includes:

  • Pick up
  • Entrance fees
  • Transport 
  • Personal guide 
  • Petrol and bottled water
  • Hotel with private room and bath
  • Ticket
  • Breakfast

Tour excludes: 

  • Lunch and dinner cost will be shared equally among all travelers and Mr Quynh
  • Personal and motorbike insurance

Price: $ 70/day/person